Producer: Aureliano Rivera
Farm: Finca La Sombra
Altitude: 1,750 meters above sea level (m.a.s.l.)
Location: Bilbao, Planadas, Tolima
Fermentation: 60 hours, initial process in transparent plastic bags packed in burlap sacks. After 60 hours, the chemical liquid that drains from the fruit casing is drained and its packed in grain pro bags unsealed for an oxidation of 120 hours.
Drying: Initial mechanical drying for 30 hours to reach an initial humidity point of 60% for approximately 46 hours at 40*C. The coffee is then packed in grain pro bags for 3 days to stabilize. After 3 days the coffee is moved to a Guardiola drying machine at an average temperature of 36*C for approximately 5-6 days until the coffee reaches a humidity level of 18%. Next the coffee is moved back into grain pro bags for 5 days. Finally the coffee is finished drying over raised drying beds until it reaches 11% humidity for approximately 6-8 days.